6th graders in maria Ramos's 6th grade class hold up posters distributed Wednesday. The posters outl

6th graders in maria Ramos's 6th grade class hold up posters distributed Wednesday. The posters outline the steps necessary to attend CSUCI. CSU official Art Flores and Oxnard Mayor Manuel Lopez visited Cesar Chavez school in Oxnard to tell 6th graders what it will take to get into Cal State Channel Islands, the first step in a new campaign to teach youngsters early about CSU entry requirements . (Photo by Spencer Weiner/Los Angeles Times via Getty Images)
6th graders in maria Ramos's 6th grade class hold up posters distributed Wednesday. The posters outline the steps necessary to attend CSUCI. CSU official Art Flores and Oxnard Mayor Manuel Lopez visited Cesar Chavez school in Oxnard to tell 6th graders what it will take to get into Cal State Channel Islands, the first step in a new campaign to teach youngsters early about CSU entry requirements . (Photo by Spencer Weiner/Los Angeles Times via Getty Images)
6th graders in maria Ramos's 6th grade class hold up posters distributed Wednesday. The posters outl
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Spencer Weiner / Contributor
Editorial #:
Los Angeles Times
Date created:
June 20, 2000
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Los Angeles Times
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EN 010599.ME.0621.csuci1.saw
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1660 x 1044 px (5.53 x 3.48 in) - 300 dpi - 1 MB