General Map Of Podolsk Province: Showing Postal And Major Roads

General Map of Podolsk Province: Showing Postal and Major Roads, Stations and the Distance in Versts between Them, 1820. This 1820 map of Podolsk Provinceis from a larger work,Geograficheskii atlas Rossiiskoi imperii, tsarstva Pol'skogo i velikogo kniazhestva Finliandskogo(Geographical atlas of the Russian Empire, the Kingdom of Poland, and the Grand Duchy of Finland), containing 60 maps of the Russian Empire. Compiled and engraved by Colonel V.P. Piadyshev, it reflects the detailed mapping carried out by Russian military cartographers in the first quarter of the 19th century. The map shows population centers (six gradations by size), postal stations, roads (four types), provincial and district borders,taverns, and customs outposts. Distances are shown in versts, a Russian measure, now no longer used, equal to 1.07 kilometers.Legends and place-names are in Russian and Polish. (Photo by Heritage Art/Heritage Images via Getty Images)
General Map of Podolsk Province: Showing Postal and Major Roads, Stations and the Distance in Versts between Them, 1820. This 1820 map of Podolsk Provinceis from a larger work,Geograficheskii atlas Rossiiskoi imperii, tsarstva Pol'skogo i velikogo kniazhestva Finliandskogo(Geographical atlas of the Russian Empire, the Kingdom of Poland, and the Grand Duchy of Finland), containing 60 maps of the Russian Empire. Compiled and engraved by Colonel V.P. Piadyshev, it reflects the detailed mapping carried out by Russian military cartographers in the first quarter of the 19th century. The map shows population centers (six gradations by size), postal stations, roads (four types), provincial and district borders,taverns, and customs outposts. Distances are shown in versts, a Russian measure, now no longer used, equal to 1.07 kilometers.Legends and place-names are in Russian and Polish. (Photo by Heritage Art/Heritage Images via Getty Images)
General Map Of Podolsk Province: Showing Postal And Major Roads
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Getty ImagesGeneral Map Of Podolsk Province: Showing Postal And Major Roads, News PhotoGeneral Map Of Podolsk Province: Showing Postal And Major Roads, News PhotoGeneral Map Of Podolsk Province: Showing Postal And Major Roads Get premium, high resolution news photos at Getty ImagesProduct #:2063425853
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Hulton Archive
Date created:
January 01, 1900
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