Painter on a stool painting the building from white to beige - stock photo

Worker rolls paint onto the trim of an average American house. The entire house, which has been prepped for paint, is obviously black and white while the freshly rolled paint has been left its original brown color which draws attention to the job at hand. Canon 30D, 28-55mm lens.
Worker rolls paint onto the trim of an average American house. The entire house, which has been prepped for paint, is obviously black and white while the freshly rolled paint has been left its original brown color which draws attention to the job at hand. Canon 30D, 28-55mm lens.
Painter on a stool painting the building from white to beige
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Getty ImagesPainter On A Stool Painting The Building From White To Beige High-Res Stock PhotoPainter On A Stool Painting The Building From White To Beige High-Res Stock PhotoDownload premium, authentic Painter on a stool painting the building from white to beige stock photos from Getty Images. Explore similar high-resolution stock photos in our expansive visual catalogue.Product #:172305319
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