Grenfell Tower fire: Inquiry opens amidst mistrust from victims and their families

Grenfell Tower fire: Inquiry opens amidst mistrust from victims and their families; ENGLAND: London: EXT Reporter and Sid-Ali Atmani (Grenfell Tower survivor) into minivan INT MINIVAN Reporter and Sid-Ali Atmani entering EXT Door of minivan closed INT MINIVAN Sid-Ali Atmani (Grenfell Tower survivor) interview SOT CUTAWAYS Hand of driver on steering wheel Atmani and reporter View of wing mirror of minibus Atmani interview SOT Atmani and reporter Minibus driver Atmani interview SOT CUTAWAYS Reporter View from window as along EXT Door of minivan opened Reporter and Atmani up steps to Grand Connaught Rooms, where the opening of the inquiry is being held Reporter and Atmani from building Atmani interview SOT Press around Atmani Atmani along street and into hotel where he is staying
Grenfell Tower fire: Inquiry opens amidst mistrust from victims and their families; ENGLAND: London: EXT Reporter and Sid-Ali Atmani (Grenfell Tower survivor) into minivan INT MINIVAN Reporter and Sid-Ali Atmani entering EXT Door of minivan closed INT MINIVAN Sid-Ali Atmani (Grenfell Tower survivor) interview SOT CUTAWAYS Hand of driver on steering wheel Atmani and reporter View of wing mirror of minibus Atmani interview SOT Atmani and reporter Minibus driver Atmani interview SOT CUTAWAYS Reporter View from window as along EXT Door of minivan opened Reporter and Atmani up steps to Grand Connaught Rooms, where the opening of the inquiry is being held Reporter and Atmani from building Atmani interview SOT Press around Atmani Atmani along street and into hotel where he is staying

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Editorial #:
Date created:
September 14, 2017
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United Kingdom
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QuickTime 8-bit H.264 HD 1920x1080 25p
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1080 25i
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