General Election: Scotland
General Election: Scotland; All ITN copyright
TCMS newspaper quickly thru printing press
CMS ditto (6 secs - generic)
TCMS Bundles of "The Herald" with headline "Blair's Britain" along on conveyor
TCMS Bundle of "Daily Mail" with headline "The Mayday Massacre" along conveyor
TCMS "Herald" poster "Scotland a Tory-free zone"
CMS Paul Cullen (defeated Cons candidate) standing at count looking apprehensive
MS tellers counting
TCMS ballot papers into counting boxes
GV candidates lined up for result
CS SIDE Jim Murphy (successful Lab candidate) as smiles as hears number of votes cast for him
CMS Cullen standing looking taken aback
CMS Murphy kissing women
Paul Cullen (defeated Cons candidate) intvwd
- not necessarily a wipeout - but it is a setback
- you can call it waht you will
CMS TV monitor showing Malcolm Rifkind PULL OUT as crowd of people cheering & celebrating (he lost)
CMS people hugging PAN more
CMS man opens champagne
George Robertson (Lab candidate) lifting glass
George Robertson (Lab candidate) intvwd - we have a commitment to legislation in first year of new govt (to establish a Scottish parliament) - we'll do it
W Lothian: Livingston:
TGV candidates lined up at declaration ZOOM IN Robin Cook (Lab successful candidate)
ENGLAND: London:?
CMS Jim Wallace (Lib Dem) at pkf
Wallace pkf
- we'll make sure Labour honours its constitutional commitments
MS press PAN to Alex Salmond MP (SNP leader) posing with new SNP MPs Andrew Welsh and Alasdair Morgan ??
CMS three posing
(12 secs)
Salmond intvwd
- wonders what Labour's Scottish policy really is
Michael Forsyth (Cons - defeated) congratulates Anne McGuire (Lab) at declaration
Conservative pkf
CMS Michael Forsyth (Cons) pkf - stick by warnings we have given about tartan tax-raising parliament for Scotland
BV press
CMS Forsyth gets...

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Editorial #:
Date created:
May 02, 1997
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Not released. More information
Clip length:
United Kingdom
Mastered to:
QuickTime 8-bit Photo-JPEG SD 720x576 25p
Originally shot on:
576 25i
Object name:
- Daily Mail,
- Newspaper,
- Voting Ballot,
- 1990-1999,
- Adult,
- Amplifier,
- Archival,
- Candidate,
- Cast Member,
- Celebration,
- Champagne,
- Channel 4 News,
- Cheering,
- Color Image,
- Conveyor Belt,
- Counting,
- Crowd of People,
- Dedication,
- Democracy,
- Drinking Glass,
- Eastwood - England,
- Embracing,
- England,
- Fear,
- Film - Moving Image,
- General Election,
- George Robertson,
- High Speed Train,
- In A Row,
- Intellectual Property,
- Kissing,
- Legislation,
- Listening,
- London - England,
- Looking,
- Mail,
- Malcolm Rifkind,
- Men,
- Newspaper Headline,
- Paper,
- People,
- Picking Up,
- Politics,
- Politics and Government,
- Poster,
- Pull Out - Camera Movement,
- Raw Footage,
- Real Time Video,
- Report - Produced Segment,
- Robin Cook,
- Scotland,
- Showing,
- Smiling,
- Standing,
- TGV,
- Television Show,
- UK,
- Video with Sound,
- Vote Counting,
- Voting,
- Voting by Mail,
- Wipeout - Television Show,
- Women,
- Worried,