Army 3rd Division 3-7 infantry soldier Corporal Edwin Garcia from Los Angeles, CA provides cover as Sergeant Matthew Gadzalinski from Milwaukee, WI,...Coalition Forces Advance Into Baghdad
Army 3rd Division 3-7 Corporal Edwin Garcia , from Los Angeles, CA takes cover outside the VIP terminal of Baghdad International Airport during a...Coaltion Forces Take Baghdad International Airport
Army 3rd Division 3-7 Task Force Corporal Edwin Garcia from Los Angeles, California, guards the perimeter April 2, 2003 as troops search a captured...U.S. Forces Close In On Baghdad
Army 3rd Division 3-7 Infantry Corporal Edwin Garcia from Los Angeles, California, posts guard duty during a strong dust storm March 25, 2003 south...Coalition Forces Move Through Southern Iraq
Corporal Dennis Garcia checks the foot of seven-year old Edwin Alvarez at the child's home. The day before, while coming home from school, the...MAYBERRY 1/C/05FEB97/PZ/LH--Corporal Dennis Garcia checks the foot of seven-year old Edwin Alvarez at the child's home. The day before, while coming home from school, the child,s feet were run over by a driver who stopped to ask the child if he was okay
Corporal Dennis Garcia checks the foot of seven-year old Edwin Alvarez at the child's home. The day before, while coming home from school, the...MAYBERRY 1/C/05FEB97/PZ/LH--Corporal Dennis Garcia checks the foot of seven-year old Edwin Alvarez at the child's home. The day before, while coming home from school, the child,s feet were run over by a driver who stopped to ask the child if he was okay