at the launching of the united nations, u.s. president harry s. truman is seen alongside united states secretary of state edward r. stettinius jr.,... - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:19U.S. President Harry S. Truman at the launching of the United Nations, San Francisco, California, U.S.A., 1945
view of san francisco and city hall / delegates arrive including t v soong, nelson rockefeller /press photographers flash cameras / vyacheslav... - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage02:481945 UN Conference Tackles Problems
san francisco cityscape / golden gate bridge / president franklin d roosevelt at desk with us delegation stood behind / in geneva, woodrow wilson... - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage03:44Delegates Meet For World Security Conference In San Francisco
army treks through smoke and fog of war / foot soldiers on raft / map shows parts of europe held by germany / russian soldiers remove brush from long... - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:21US And Russian Army Charge Toward Berlin
kremlin in moscow / joseph stalin exits car, shakes hands / soldiers stand at attention / soldiers run through snow / russian artillery strikes... - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:42Russia Advances, Berlin Evacuates
soldiers fight in snow / joseph stalin, fdr and winston churchill meet / animated map / captured german soldiers / dead germans on road / civilians... - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:41US Troops Advance In Europe, Assist Locals
japanese soldiers raising hands / map of the united states superimposed over footage of american industrial work / us soldiers marching / four... - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:411945 To Be Shining Year for US Troops
american troops marching down street in korea, entering kyongsong / a crowd gathered on the side of the street, watching the troops / crowds clapping... - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:33Korean Crowds Cheer American Liberators
soldiers string barbed wire during blizzard / soldiers eat during snow storm / artillery strikes targets / soldiers hunt for snipers on ground /... - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage02:41Blizzard Helps US Troops In Western Offensive
montage of aerials of devastated tokyo, general james doolittle looking out plane window, shots of wreckage, people walking through rubble, woman... - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:35General James Doolittle Surveys Tokyo Devastation
soldiers fire weapons, bazookas and mortars / artillery fire on targets / soldiers carry wounded soldier on stretcher, trip and fall, get back up /... - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:53Formosa Battle Heavy On Death And Casualties
people stand, applaud are seated / thomas e dewey gives speech for republican party at lincoln day dinner. - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:58Thomas Dewey Speaks, Lincoln Day Dinner
radio tower, animated map of radio signals spreading from japan / interview with tokyo rose radio broadcaster. - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:37Tokyo Rose Radio Announcer Captured
troops in amphibious transport in water / british army sapper in boat / amphibious transport entering water / us army soldiers in transport - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:091944 MONTAGE troops in amphibious transports crossing Rhine river / Germany
various angles of ships at sea and sailor looking through binoculars / sailor sitting around anti-aircraft gun / montage of japanese planes flying as... - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage03:26US Forces In Philippines
admiral william 'bull' halsey, jr poses in front of press, shakes hands with man in front of white horse, halsey on horseback. - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:22Admiral William Halsey Rides Horse In Tokyo
montage of nazi officers looking at a map on a table, close ups of individual officers / profile shot of heinrich himmler standing at attention in ss... - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:19Heinrich Himmler Now Rules Germany
auditorium filled w/ people banners. vichy fascist jacques doriot behind podium. nazi german soldiers standing front row several w/ single leg.... - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:11Fascist Jacques Doriot
dead japanese soldiers on ground / us troops body search japanese soldier in philippines / us soldier guarding truck of japanese prisoners / montage... - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:42US Captures Japanese Soldiers
japanese pilots lined up and receive instructions / pilot / japanese pilot in plane / planes taking off / diagram of japanese kamikaze suicide planes... - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:50Kamikaze Diagram And Baka Bombs
soldier bruno falbo stepping onto pier and kissing ground / soldiers in dock shed / soldiers carrying barracks bags past camera / falbo eating steak... - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:36Soldier Temporarily Home
japanese soldier killed in the marianas lies on ground / japanese flag waves / young japanese boys march and practice military roles / youth in... - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage02:33Profile Of A Japanese Soldier
workers crowd hat factory in new york, ny / women stem hats / helmet hat show for workers / in hoboken, nj, shipyard workers gather for fashion show... - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:36Hat Fashion Show In New York And New Jersey
soldiers run outside santo tomas prison / general douglas macarthur arrives and visits freed civilian prisoners in manila / crowd cheers and watches... - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:57Civilians Freed In Manila
aerial view of burma road / motorcycles in front of army convoy / army men point to burma road signs / men fill truck with gas / soldiers board... - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:47US Convoy Drives Burma Road
artillery attacks, tanks shooting / aircraft engage in combat and strike ground targets / smoke from explosions rise / missiles from planes strike... - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:20US Troops Win Belgian Bulge
montage of automobiles navigating snowy roads / a train engine moving slowly on snow-covered track / montage of vehicles, power lines, and signs... - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:46Record Blizzard Across New York
general george c marshall shakes hands with dr wei tao-ming/ men pose for a picture, l to r, general carl a spaatz, general dwight d eisenhower,... - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:18Military Officers Receive New Positions and Awards
army destroys cyclotron atom smasher at osaka university/ american troops enter building to destroy cyclotron / soldiers looking at machine /... - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:45Army Destroys Cyclotron in Japan
navy building in washington, dc / admiral william 'bull' halsey made 5 star admiral by navy secretary james forrestal/ admirals chester nimitz and... - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:12Halsey Makes Admiral, Byrnes Leaves For Moscow
wide view of namu fishing village in british columbia / fishing boats sailing through water / fishing boat sailing through water / fishermen looking... - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:21Salmon Fishing And Cannery Processing
etretat left cliff and beach lv - hd - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:28Etretat Left Cliff and beach LV - HD
soldiers in heavy gear sitting on landing craft, getting off and wading to shore. - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:57Marines landing at Iwo Jima
army sherman tank, part of george s. patton's third army, makes its way into a belgium town during battle of the bulge, 1944. colorized content. - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:08U.S. Army Sherman tank entering Belgian town during Battle of the Bulge 1944
british prime minister winston churchill is seen at the tehran and yalta conferences with president roosevelt and soviet leader joseph stalin,... - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:09British Prime Minister Winston Churchill with President Franklin Roosevelt and Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin at the Tehran and Yalta Conference
franklin d. roosevelt at ticker tape parade after winning his fourth term in office / usa - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:161/11/1944 B/W MONTAGE Franklin D. Roosevelt at ticker tape parade after winning his fourth term in office / USA
general eisenhower with eleanor roosevelt at hyde park, places wreath on fdr's grave lays wreath at president roosevelt's grave / hyde park, new... - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:291944 TS General Eisenhower with Eleanor Roosevelt at Hyde Park, places wreath on FDR's grave lays wreath at President Roosevelt's grave / Hyde Park, New York, United States
soldiers uncover frozen corpses of american prisoners of war after the malmedy massacre during the battle of the bulge / malmedy, belgium - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:211944 MONTAGE US Soldiers uncover frozen corpses of American prisoners of war after the Malmedy Massacre during the Battle of the Bulge / Malmedy, Belgium
german pows being patted down by american troops and walking / germany - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:081945 MONTAGE German POWs being patted down by American troops and walking / Germany
airplane dropping bomb / soldier looking toward sky / two airplanes flying above / airplane shooting guns at targets on ground / group of airplanes... - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:131944 MONTAGE air support in Battle of Mortain / Normandy, France
soldiers marching on rural road in winter / ardennes - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:041944 LS Soldiers marching on rural road in winter / Ardennes
worker pushing plunger on dynamite detonator / dynamite explosion in water - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:071944 MONTAGE Dynamite blast in construction of Panama Canal / Panama
fighter plane diving / pilot in cockpit wearing flight helmet and oxygen mask / explosion - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:041944 MONTAGE strafing attack / Europe
soldiers getting into back of truck / truck door being locked / trucks full of soldiers driving away - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:131944 MONTAGE Troops transported in trucks / France
naval armada / view from side of ship, naval guns firing / troops wading to shore from amphibious landing craft / troops wading onto beach / soldier... - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:16MONTAGE D-Day invasion of Normandy, June 6, 1944 / France
lockheed lightning flying / strafing enemy planes on the ground / spitfire fighter in flight / military aircraft shooting ground targets / fighters... - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:151944 MONTAGE Allied airplanes shooting at enemy targets / Normandy, France
"warner pathe news presents 'the truman album,' a newsreel scrapbook of the career of public service of president harry s. truman" & 'the truman... - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage02:53Compilation of clips noting career of President Harry S Truman
billy wilder and kim novak at a studio samuel "billy" wilder was a polish-born jewish-american filmmaker, screenwriter, producer, artist, and... - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage02:39Billy Wilder and Kim Novak on a Studio Lot
medium shot marlene dietrich in uniform / posing with soldier - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:09WWII medium shot Marlene Dietrich in uniform / posing with soldier
close up marlene dietrich in uniform - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:05WWII close up Marlene Dietrich in uniform
formation of boeing b29 "superfortress" heavy bomber aircraft in flight, flying in sky / vs pit crew, male navigator looking over map, another male,... - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:25MOT 1944: BATTLE OF IWO JIMA: UNITED STATES HEAVY BOMBERS, JAPANESE FIGHTER PLANES
june 14, 1942 us president franklin d roosevelt seated at table with mexico president manuel avila camacho & philippine president manuel quezon in... - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:26President Franklin D. Roosevelt with world leaders during his presidency
pacific strategy conference july 26, 1944 pearl harbor, hawaii: presidential flag flies from ship mast / united states navy sailors salute as... - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:44Franklin Roosevelt at Yalta, Pearl Harbor, Quebec conferences
president roosevelt seated in front of christmas tree surrounded by daughter anna, sons elliot & fdr jr, daughters-in-law ethel du pont & anne... - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:38President Franklin Delano Roosevelt dies 82 days into fourth term
gen. douglas macarthur's 1945 speech turning over the philippines government to sergio osmena ; vs us military forces ride through streets of... - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:14US forces in the Philippines during World War II
island of iwo jima, including mount suribachi . wwii, world war ii, strategic location, battle of iwo jima, united states, empire of japan, ogasawara... - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:141944: IWO JIMA, JAPAN: AERIAL: VS Island of Iwo Jima, including Mount Suribachi (aka Hot Rock, Hot Rocks). WWII, World War II, strategic location, Battle of Iwo Jima, United States, Empire of Japan, Ogasawara Islands, occupation, invasion
unidentified soldier & us general william rupertus in meeting under tent , general roy geiger moving next to general rupertus. us marines on beach... - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:221944: PACIFIC THEATER
textile mill w/ people walking up sidewalk into building going to work. int textile mill w/ many machine turning. young adult male working machine in... - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:10Textile Mill
victory cargo ship cruising on water bow as ship nears ship moving through frame. - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:17Victory cargo ship in water
australia prime minister john curtin at airport w/ men crowd. cars parked in lot . south african general jan smuts exiting car. london - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:14British Commonwealth meeting
two women walking one w/ bandaged head. german women carry belongings out of building soldiers help. bombed out residential building. propaganda... - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:20Goebbels looking bombed building
prime minister pierre laval shaking hands talking w/ head of state henri-philippe petain henri-philippe petain speaking . pierre laval speaking both... - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:18Vichy Nazi Collaborators
american soldiers fire rifles and throw hand grenades / explosions on the ground / planes taxi on a runway / aerials views as corsair bombers drop... - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:47Okinawa American Air Base
billowing smoke / montage of the carrier the bunker hill in water with black smoke rising from it / montage of soldiers swimming in water, holding on... - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:36Carrier Bunker Hill Hit By Kamikaze
general dwight eisenhower applauding at new york giants game at polo grounds / rain pouring down on grass / eisenhower and group getting in out of... - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:55General Dwight Eisenhower Speaks On War
mass of confetti between buildings as motorcade moves from city hall uptown / general dwight eisenhower waving from car as it proceeds uptown /... - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:25Dwight D Eisenhower Day Parade On Broadway
ticker tape and streamers / city hall and crowds in square / general dwight eisenhower gets up from chair to acclamation of people / mayor fiorello h... - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:32Mayor Fiorello H La Guardia Awards Gold Medal And Scroll to General Dwight Eisenhower
motorcade along parkway / animated map showing route from airport to new york city / motorcade over elevated parkway to triborough bridge / man with... - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:44Dwight D Eisenhower Day Parade Through New York City
general patton speaks to crowd about war victory over germany / general patton salutes veterans of the 3rd army. - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:41General Patton Salutes 3rd Army Veterans
shell in outdoor auditorium / mass crowd / veterans of 3rd army seated / patton walks to front of stage and salutes / soldiers at attention / crowd /... - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:37General Patton Speaks To Crowd After Returning Home
douglas c-54 skymaster army transport taxing along field / general george smith patton jr comes down steps / patton starts to walk off / patton and... - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:35General George Patton Returns Home
philippines / tank traps / soldier standing in front of tank trap / soldier walks through field of tank traps / bridge / wounded soldier placed on... - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:23War In Philippines
cable being laid from drum aboard ship / cable being laid from aboard ship / cable coming from holds of ship / cable lying along deck of ship / cable... - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:50Operation Pluto Pipeline On French Coast
in england, cable being tarred / machinery whirling wires around lead cable / whirling wires around lead cable / long sections of steel pipe being... - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:42Process Of Operation Pluto Through English Channel
in england, operation pluto / oil field / gasoline pouring out of pipe into receptacle / map of english channel showing position of english coast in... - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:48Operation Pluto Gasoline Pipeline Under English Channel
goering seated and removes revolver / goering removes belt / goering without medals out of building / the press gathered / goering walking over to... - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:34Nazi Leader Hermann Wilhelm Goering Surrenders
heads of crowd on white house lawn / cameramen taking pictures of president harry s truman and steve early / people watching / president truman... - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:30Steve Early Honored By President Harry S Truman With Disgruntled Service Medal
heads of crowd at hutt-la guardia field / boeing b17 bomber army plane lands / name on plane is boops / general carl a spaatz out of plane greeted by... - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:39Generals Return From War
side of boat past us flag of troop transport pulling up new york harbor / statue of liberty / soldiers waving from transport / heads of soldiers... - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:38US Soldiers Return Home
comfort ship at port, red cross on smokestack / damage to ship on side from kamikaze plane / plane wreckage inside ship / men carry victims on... - 1945 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:01Japs Bomb Hospital Ship