rear pov driving away from kaiser memorial church in west berlin; 1969 - west berlin stock videos & royalty-free footage00:15Rear POV driving away from Kaiser Memorial Church in West Berlin; 1969
ms entrance sign at kurfurstendamm u-bahn station; 1969 - west berlin stock videos & royalty-free footage00:09MS entrance sign at Kurfurstendamm U-Bahn station; 1969
cars driving along city street in west berlin; 1969 - west berlin stock videos & royalty-free footage00:12Cars driving along city street in West Berlin; 1969
car pov driving along city street in west berlin; 1969 - west berlin stock videos & royalty-free footage00:11Car POV driving along city street in West Berlin; 1969
west berlin, 1970 - the new coexists with the old - west berlin stock videos & royalty-free footage01:50West Berlin, 1970 - the New Coexists with the Old
1960s: various shots of daily life in berlin. cars on the streets, people walking in the sun, the shoe shop leiser. - west berlin stock videos & royalty-free footage00:43Berlin 1960s
1960s: a few short panning shots of what is probably a big square in west berlin. in the background of the square is a big building with... - west berlin stock videos & royalty-free footage00:06Berlin 1960s
the victory column, west berlin, west germany, 1968 - west berlin stock videos & royalty-free footage00:13The Victory Column, West Berlin, West Germany, 1968
pov driving along kurfurstendamm at night in west berlin; 1969 - west berlin stock videos & royalty-free footage00:18POV driving along Kurfurstendamm at night in West Berlin; 1969
cars drive past telefunken building in west berlin; 1969 - west berlin stock videos & royalty-free footage00:09Cars drive past Telefunken building in West Berlin; 1969
car pov driving on tauentzienstraße in west berlin; 1969 - west berlin stock videos & royalty-free footage00:10Car POV driving on Tauentzienstraße in West Berlin; 1969
pov driving along kurfurstendamm at night in west berlin; 1969 - west berlin stock videos & royalty-free footage00:11POV driving along Kurfurstendamm at night in West Berlin; 1969
changing traffic lights on west berlin street; 1969 - west berlin stock videos & royalty-free footage00:13Changing traffic lights on West Berlin street; 1969
pov along kurfurstendamm at night in west berlin; 1969 - west berlin stock videos & royalty-free footage00:12POV along Kurfurstendamm at night in West Berlin; 1969
cu neon signs glow on kurfurstendamm in west berlin; 1969 - west berlin stock videos & royalty-free footage00:08CU neon signs glow on Kurfurstendamm in West Berlin; 1969
shaky car pov driving on kurfurstendamm at night in west berlin; 1969 - west berlin stock videos & royalty-free footage00:08Shaky car POV driving on Kurfurstendamm at night in West Berlin; 1969
airport festival, many visitors looking at the airplanes like the famous "rosinenbomber" or raisin bombers that brought food to the people of west... - west berlin stock videos & royalty-free footage04:09Military event at airport Berlin Tempelhof 1977
the ruins of the gedächtniskirche, many people on the street, shopping, kranzler, people dressed like bears advertise something, many cars passing a... - west berlin stock videos & royalty-free footage02:22Western Berlin Kurfürstendamm
west berlin and berlin wall general views; germany: west berlin: ext war memorial long shot brandenburg gate with berlin wall in front and television... - west berlin stock videos & royalty-free footage03:24RUSHES: West Berlin and Berlin Wall general views
effects of walter ulbricht resignation:; west germany: west berlin: ext gall sof: "the berlin wall and its... - west berlin stock videos & royalty-free footage02:29Berlin: Effects of Walter Ulbricht resignation:
the berlin wall starts to crumble; official crossing points of berlin wall; traffic from east to west; east berliners shopping in west berlin;... - west berlin stock videos & royalty-free footage01:23Fall of the Berlin Wall
map showing division of berlin and scenes of west berlin refugees - west berlin stock videos & royalty-free footage00:23Map showing division of Berlin and scenes of West Berlin refugees
hole in berlin wall. east german soldiers standing around and a few west berliners watching as wall starts to come down. soldiers watching truck... - west berlin stock videos & royalty-free footage00:39Fall of the Berlin Wall
high angle view of new opening in berlin wall now completed as huge crowds of east germans start to go through into west berlin. east german army... - west berlin stock videos & royalty-free footage00:26Fall of the Berlin Wall: crowds pass through hole
cars east berlin entering west berlin at cross point - west berlin stock videos & royalty-free footage00:30Cars East Berlin Entering West Berlin at Cross Point
border opening reactions; west germany: west berlin night seq ecstatic and emotional w berliners welcoming east berliners into west and spraying... - west berlin stock videos & royalty-free footage03:52EAST GERMANY: Border Opening reactions
douglas hurd visits the berlin wall; west berlin: motorcade along: douglas hurd onto viewing stand to look at brandenburg gate: intvw douglas hurd... - west berlin stock videos & royalty-free footage02:03Douglas Hurd visits the Berlin Wall
berlin wall: east germans arrive in west berlin; east germany: east berlin: wollenstrasse: ext railway viaduct as new border crossing between east... - west berlin stock videos & royalty-free footage02:24EAST GERMANY / WEST GERMANY: Berlin Wall: East Germans arrive in West Berlin
medium - west berlin stock videos & royalty-free footage00:21BERLIN, GERMANY: CU Sign: YOU ARE LEAVING THE AMERICAN SECTOR (English, Russian, French & German) ZO American check point leading out/in West Berlin (border) (No indication this is Check Point Charlie to Russian sector, likely to British Sector)
warning sign - achtung! sie verlassen jetzt west-berlin :- warning ! you are leaving now west berlin / bombed out derelict building / road with... - west berlin stock videos & royalty-free footage01:35Bomb Damaged Buildings Berlin, East / West Border
president john kennedy at podium making "...ich bin ein berliner" / berlin / newsreel - west berlin stock videos & royalty-free footage00:231963 President John Kennedy at podium making "...Ich bin ein Berliner" / Berlin / newsreel
zoom in to chancellor helmut kohl crossing border between east and west berlin at brandenburg gate opening of berlin wall; 12 dec 89 - west berlin stock videos & royalty-free footage00:08Fall of the Berlin Wall 1989 - Chancellor Helmut Kohl crossing border between East and West Berlin at Brandenburg Gate Opening of Berlin Wall; 1989
pan kurfurstendamm and kaiser wilhelm church ruins in west berlin; 1969 - west berlin stock videos & royalty-free footage00:11Pan Kurfurstendamm and Kaiser Wilhelm Church ruins in West Berlin; 1969
camera angle description: shot type description: east & west germans celebrate opening of berlin wall - west berlin stock videos & royalty-free footage00:04EAST & WEST GERMANS CELEBRATE OPENING OF BERLIN WALL...
checkpoint charlie in west berlin. - west berlin stock videos & royalty-free footage00:21Checkpoint Charlie in West Berlin.
men unload a food plane at a berlin airport during the blockade. - west berlin stock videos & royalty-free footage00:06Men unload a food plane at a Berlin airport during the blockade.
east berliners mikhail hensel and grit risikov kiss as they cross over into west berlin. - west berlin stock videos & royalty-free footage00:05East Berliners Mikhail Hensel and Grit Risikov kiss as they cross over into West Berlin.
east berliners flock past the berlin wall as waving, cheering west berliners welcome them. - west berlin stock videos & royalty-free footage00:07East Berliners flock past the Berlin Wall as waving, cheering West Berliners welcome them.
exterior shots of daily life around berlin in the wake of the re-unification of east and west, including election posters, buses and people on the... - west berlin stock videos & royalty-free footage02:22Berlin Street Scenes
man wheels suitcases across border between east and west berlin on the night the berlin wall fell, 1989 - west berlin stock videos & royalty-free footage00:05Fall of Berlin Wall 1989 - man crosses border with suitcases
gvs of west berlin; west germany: west berlin: ext/dawn people walking to checkpoint; women into portable wc; people waiting to cross; woman talking... - west berlin stock videos & royalty-free footage04:22Berlin Wall opened: GVs of West Berlin
gvs of west berlin; west germany: west berlin: checkpoint charlie: ext / night ls cars queuing at checkpoint; ms guard talking to car driver; cs... - west berlin stock videos & royalty-free footage03:43Berlin Wall opened: GVs of West Berlin
gvs of west berlin; west germany: west berlin: ext / night gvs crane lifts section of wall as crowd holding sparklers cheer; - west berlin stock videos & royalty-free footage04:26Berlin Wall opened: GVs of West Berlin
daily life after wall opens:; d) east germany: east berlin: ext / night seq e germans, some with families, returning after visit to west berlin... - west berlin stock videos & royalty-free footage03:50East Berlin: daily life after wall opens:
west berlin mayor willy brandt provides voiceover for street scenes of west berlin - west berlin stock videos & royalty-free footage00:52West Berlin Mayor Willy Brandt provides voiceover for street scenes of West Berlin
berlin drugs; east germany: west berlin: pidetosee prison: av painting on wall; tilt 2nd : wire on wall; pull out side of prison: youths in workroom:... - west berlin stock videos & royalty-free footage02:18Berlin drugs
berlin wall: east germans arrive in west berlin; bonn economics ministry: dr hans gehring interview sot volkswagen 'golf' cars on display in car... - west berlin stock videos & royalty-free footage02:48EAST GERMANY / WEST GERMANY: Berlin Wall: East Germans arrive in West Berlin
1960s: various shots of the tegeler see in berlin reinickendorf. locations include the seeterassen, a cafe with a sinalco commercial, a boat leaving... - west berlin stock videos & royalty-free footage01:06Berlin lake 1960s
track from car driving from west berlin into east berlin passing shops pedestrians billboard advertising and encountering different architectural styles - west berlin stock videos & royalty-free footage01:02Track from car driving from West Berlin into East Berlin passing shops pedestrians billboard advertising and encountering different architectural styles
/ western allies organize the berlin airlift to carry supplies to the people in west berlin in response to soviet blockade / general sir brian... - west berlin stock videos & royalty-free footage01:06Berlin Airlift
/ western allies organize berlin airlift to carry supplies to the people in west berlin in response to the soviet berlin blockade. berlin airlift on... - west berlin stock videos & royalty-free footage00:28Berlin Airlift
german children playing near the berlin wall, west berlin, west germany, 1968 - west berlin stock videos & royalty-free footage00:29German children playing near the Berlin Wall, West Berlin, West Germany, 1968
soviet war memorial (tiergarten) west berlin, west germany, 1968 - west berlin stock videos & royalty-free footage00:28Soviet War Memorial (Tiergarten) West Berlin, West Germany, 1968
sequence of close-ups showing a gold soviet emblem and statues on the soviet ww2 war memorial in west berlin's tiergarten area; 1985. - west berlin stock videos & royalty-free footage00:11Views of Soviet War Memorial in Berlin's Tiergarten; 1985
car pov driving on tauentzienstraße in west berlin; 1969 - west berlin stock videos & royalty-free footage00:26Car POV driving on Tauentzienstraße in West Berlin; 1969
people walkpast christmas store window in west berlin; 1969 - west berlin stock videos & royalty-free footage00:15People walkpast Christmas store window in West Berlin; 1969
west berlin and berlin wall general views; germany: west berlin: ext charite hospital in east berlin, seen past the berlin wall covered in graffiti... - west berlin stock videos & royalty-free footage03:25RUSHES: West Berlin and Berlin Wall general views
west berlin visit:; west germany: west berlin: airport: ext raf executive jet taxis r-l cms margaret thatcher walks l-r inspecting guard of honour... - west berlin stock videos & royalty-free footage01:28Margaret Thatcher: West Berlin visit:
during spring 1968 students take to the streets protesting vietnam war and german emergency acts debated in parliament. student leader rudi dutschke... - west berlin stock videos & royalty-free footage00:08High angle long lens shot of West Berlin 1968 student protest march against Vietnam War and German armament spending
kurd massacres:; **audio problem** england: london: itn ? int cms george joffe intvw sof "i think one must -- reports of massacres" west germany:... - west berlin stock videos & royalty-free footage00:46Conflict: Kurd massacres:
james baker visits berlin; west germany: west berlin: steinberger hotel: ext ms gov't members arriving at hotel; james baker arrival; gv's... - west berlin stock videos & royalty-free footage03:43James Baker visits Berlin
west berlin mercedes factory gvs; west germany: west berlin: mercedes benz factory: int cs man operating milling machine; car parts in baskets;panel... - west berlin stock videos & royalty-free footage04:32West Berlin Mercedes factory GVs
general views east and west berlin; east germany: east berlin: ext gv's east german parliament building with tv tower to left of it; cs flags flying;... - west berlin stock videos & royalty-free footage02:36General views East and West Berlin
general views east and west berlin; west germany: west berlin: reception centre: int vietnamese seated at table filling in forms; children watching... - west berlin stock videos & royalty-free footage02:00General views East and West Berlin
general views east and west berlin; west germany: west berlin: ext / night people looking into bank; int people queuing inside bank; money exchanged... - west berlin stock videos & royalty-free footage01:40General views East and West Berlin
gvs of west berlin; west germany: west berlin: people queuing to have papers checked: clothes on table for refugees as red cross workers sorting;... - west berlin stock videos & royalty-free footage03:59Berlin Wall opened: GVs of West Berlin
gvs of west berlin; west germany: west berlin: ext / night ts e german guards dismantling defences in no mans land; crowd holding german flag; guards... - west berlin stock videos & royalty-free footage02:56Berlin Wall opened: GVs of West Berlin
gvs of west berlin; west germany: west berlin: brandenburg gate: ext gv's tv equipment including satelite dishes ;man giving i/c seated at table;... - west berlin stock videos & royalty-free footage02:55Berlin Wall opened: GVs of West Berlin
june 1963 john f. kennedy smiling and waving while getting off plane and shaking hands with man in uniform / west berlin, germany - west berlin stock videos & royalty-free footage00:06June 1963 WS John F. Kennedy smiling and waving while getting off plane and shaking hands with man in uniform / West Berlin, Germany
june 1963 john f. kennedy smiling and waving to cheering berliners at city hall platz / west berlin, germany - west berlin stock videos & royalty-free footage00:09June 1963 WS John F. Kennedy smiling and waving to cheering Berliners at City Hall Platz / West Berlin, Germany
june 1963 john f. kennedy steps back from podium after addressing berliners at city hall platz / west berlin, germany - west berlin stock videos & royalty-free footage00:06June 1963 WS John F. Kennedy steps back from podium after addressing Berliners at City Hall Platz / West Berlin, Germany
june 1963 montage john f. kennedy addressing berliners at city hall platz and speaking german / west berlin, germany - west berlin stock videos & royalty-free footage00:26June 1963 MONTAGE John F. Kennedy addressing Berliners at City Hall Platz and speaking German / West Berlin, Germany
june 1963 montage john f. kennedy addressing berliners at city hall platz and speaking german / west berlin, germany - west berlin stock videos & royalty-free footage00:26June 1963 MONTAGE John F. Kennedy addressing Berliners at City Hall Platz and speaking German / West Berlin, Germany